Goal setting, productivity and achievement are popular buzz words. Sometimes I feel they give the illusion that setting goals or wanting to be productive means you don’t get to have downtime. That simply isn’t true. I’m going to share with you 3 easy steps to achieving your goals in 2024 with 4 months left.

What is fear holding you back from? What would you be doing if you weren’t afraid to:
Put yourself out there?
Afraid to fail?
Of what a faceless ‘they’ will say about what you’re doing.
I think it’s fear of failing at a goal we set for ourselves that keeps a lot of us from setting them at all.
Last October, I did a live podcast recording with the Imposter Sisters and fear is definitely a common thread in what keeps us from trying things, going after opportunities, and making changes in our lives. But remember…
🚨📣 Nothing changes if nothing changes.📣 🚨
If you want something different for your life than what you’re living, you have to make changes.
They can be small – don’t fret that you have to turn your life or routine upside down. Maybe you’re someone who thrives on change and that’s great, but if you’re not, try implementing small changes at a digestible pace.
Here are 3 easy steps to achieving your goals:

👉 Have one tv free night a week to work on a goal, side project or have time for yourself.
👉 Get up half an hour earlier one morning a week.
👉 One day a week, use your lunch break to work on it.
You can’t expect to stumble upon positive life changes if you aren’t willing to work towards them. 🤷🏻♀️
If you look at people who say they journal every day and think, ‘that’s not for me’ – ok, no problem, but what is? It’s not a matter of writing down words or pasting up a picture and all your dreams come true.
Journalling or vision boards bring focus, but that isn’t enough on its own. These are tools that will help you focus on your goals if you see them regularly. But that’s just ONE piece of the puzzle.
One thing will not lead you to achieving a goal or ‘success’ – whatever your definition of that is.
It’s not just journaling your dreams.
It’s not just putting together a vision board.
It’s not just adding a new habit.
It’s a culmination of lots of things that all come back to FOCUS. You need to focus on what that goal is and how you are going to achieve it. Whether it’s writing about it every day, or blocking time to work on that goal. Even if it’s just 30 mins a week. Maybe it’s researching how others have done it, or what you need to do it.
You need to have focus.
So let’s start a ✨New Healthy Habit ✨ together!
Choose one thing you’re going to start doing this month for the rest of 2024, and when you’re going to do it. This is not just about the power of intention – setting the time you will actually do it has power. You may have to shuffle that time once in awhile and that’s ok, but if you don’t actually set or schedule a time, you know it’s all too easy for months to go by and keep thinking you’re going to get to it ‘when there’s time’.
Spoiler alert – there’s never time unless you make the time.
New habits also don’t have to be massive shifts either. Here are some examples:
❤️ Making time to read more books
❤️ Finding quiet time for yourself to relax, unwind or meditate
❤️ Start a new hobby you’ve always wanted to try
❤️ Setting time to meal prep so you’re making better choices for yourself & saving money on take out
❤️ Moving your body regularly
The amount of time you set for any of those things is up to you! Same as the frequency.
Maybe you can only spare one hour a week, and that’s ok!
If you’re looking for bigger goals or life changes, the time you carve out can be to:
⭐️ Work on a business idea
⭐️ Write the book or article you’ve wanted to write
⭐️ Go to a class or start a new program for personal or professional development
Now you’ve got your goal or new habit you’re going to start, but what’s next?
Need a checklist? Here you go:
1. Write it on a post it note or several, and stick them on your bathroom mirror, your desk- wherever you can see it and be reminded to work on it. This helps keep your goal in focus! Maybe you want to write and your post it note says ‘Write the book!’, or “New York Times Best Selling Author!’ for example. Whatever is going to motivate you to work on it is what you want!
2. Block time in your calendar. It doesn’t have to be a large commitment if you can’t make that, but carve out even 30 mins where you can to work on your goal. For me, it’s getting up earlier so I have a quiet, uninterrupted hour before my day gets going.
3. Schedule check ins. If you’re starting today, block in a reminder or check in for yourself in one month’s time if that’s realistic. Go beyond and set three or six month checkins. You could also enlist an accountability buddy who might need the same motivation.
YOU CAN DO THIS! I hope these 3 easy steps to achieving your goals in 2024 have been enlighting, and are motivating you to get going on those goals!
We’re all capable of great things but sometimes it can be hard or scary to find our way. Know that you can start small and bring big change in your life, and I’m here rooting for you!
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